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2020 is not all bad!

Yes, we've been through a lot! The world abruptly shut down--yes, I literally mean the entire world shut down--last Spring. This was all due to a mysterious new thing called "Coronavirus", then "Novel Coronavirus" and now what we affectionately call "COVID-19." Suddenly all you had was yourself, your immediate family if you don't live alone, your pets and the TV blaring devastating death toll numbers on a 24/7 news cycle. Schools, all "non-essential" workplaces, restaurants, movie theaters, bars, clubs, bowling alleys, retail stores, shopping malls and everything else in the public entertainment sphere were closed. All of a sudden, the local clerk at the grocery was the most important person in your life...and toilet paper...and 70% alcohol sanitizer if you could find it. Board games and UNO became all the rage in my household! Would my son actually begin his college career, in-person? We weren't sure. How long would I have to teach my crazy girls from home? We didn't know. Thank God my husband and I really "like", not just love each other, lol. When we were finally allowed outside, there was a "mask mandate." Yes you have to wear a mask anywhere you go in the public. Mask wearing would become a political issue vs a matter of public health or simply doing what was asked of you as a matter of potential protection of yourself and others.

Despite all of this drama...2020 has brought some new innovation and dare I say, greatness, to my life. Sitting still way more than usual allowed me to reflect and make some decisions about what should remain in my life and what needed to change. There is enough stress in the world right now than to hold on to things and people that don't bring positivity or add joy and new energy to your life. I now choose to stop doing unnecessary things out of habit that aren't in alignment with my purpose and to distance myself from people whose mindset and outlook don't match my vibe. Life is too short to stay attached to things that bring you down or don't help you progress.

On a professional note, for 2 years, I had been talking about creating a self-contained, online version of my Bold Brave and Courageous Workshop tor teen girls. Well, I did it. The 6 videos to correspond with each chapter of my book and full workshop implementation gude are complete AND a middle/high school girl scout troop in Atlanta has already tested it out. It is now ready for girls and facilitators of teen girl groups and organizations to use worldwide. I was able to do this by making a commitment to a group of like-minded women who are also speakers and entrepreneurs. We aren't all doing the same business, but we all choose to do business in an innovative, effective manner with a strong WHY in place. I've never met these ladies in the flesh, but our sister-friend bonds are strong and we can't wait to meet in person for a Girls Trip when we can safely travel.

As most of you know, I also had a major decision to make regarding my annual NO FEAR Ladies Conference. In this 7th year, would I try to move forward with an in-person conference or cancel it all together if in-person was not an option? At first I was very torn about what to do. After much prayer and counseling with my husband and the amazing ladies I just spoke of, I decided to pivot, step out on faith and offer it virtually for the first time! It was risky, but it was worth it! I can now add successful virtual women's conference to my resume. We had a celebrity emcee, amazing speakers, international recording artists as musical guests and some awesome vendors as well! Was it scary to go this route? Yes. Did it take some extra work? Yes. Was it perfect? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely! I share all of this to say that 2020 brought and is still bringing many challenges to us personally and professionally, but it also has brought and can bring the best and most resilient part of you out, if you let it! Want to learn more about the virtual girls program previously mentioned or gain clarity on how to move in the remainder of 2020? Check out the "Products/Services" tab of my website. Need some help with your RESILIENCE journey, purchase the professionally edited, full 2020 NO FEAR Ladies Conference recording for only $20 (through 12/31/2020) at Place your order and I will email the access link to you along with links to the great product and service offerings from the conference speakers, performers and vendors.

Still fearlessly yours,




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