Your Children-Your True Life's Work

This one is just for moms or anyone who is planning to become a mom! In 2014, I really began to focus in on launching my speaking career with the founding of Reach Forward and the annual No Fear Ladies Conference! However I’ve come to realize that no matter what my passion is and the goals I’m working on for personal gain, if my children are not thriving and succeeding as I am, I am in essence failing! If you are a working mom in any capacity, you already walk a daily tightrope that requires amazing balance. While you are “making a living” for your family, you must also make sure that you are “making a life” with your children. If their only memories are you being a workaholic, spending hours at your computer or on conference calls at home and barking homework orders in between, this is not really a life with them. Time stops for no one and you cannot get back the precious moments, funny sayings, and crazy situations that happen daily with your children. If I am going to spend time writing these blogs, filming video blogs and investing time to improve the lives of women and girls in my local community and around the world, I for sure better start with my own daughter and son at home! Saving the world means nothing if at the end of my life, my children do not have a library of amazing memories with me. Too many “successful” people make this mistake in their quest for greatness…let’s not be part of that number. Here are some tips for keeping your children in their rightful place as your life’s work as you pursue your secondary life goals:
Use a Calendar—If you live by Outlook, Google Calendar or a written planner, be sure to include your children’s activities such as sports practices/games, school events, mom and son/daughter date nights, etc
Eat Dinner at the Table—I know it’s a novel idea in today’s busy world, but bringing your family together for a meal may not seem like a big deal, but you can accomplish a lot around the table. Require that all devices disappear. Use this as family meeting time to check in with each other’s thoughts and feelings, find out how school is going, make holiday or vacation plans, etc
Designate Family Time—Just like we schedule everything else in our lives, family time needs to be in the schedule. It may be family game night, round robin reading of the same story, movie time or a host of other fun things you all enjoy. The main idea is to make this togetherness a consistent thing and hold it sacred. Do not let random phone calls disrupt this time. Your children are also learning how to treat their future children based on what you do or do not do with them. Remember, your children are your true life’s work!